Friday, February 24, 2012

Log / Audit

Hi All,
I want to log all activities happening in SQL server. I already know
some auditing tools do it like:
1- DB Audit
2- ApexSQL
Also I activated SQL server audit log and all of them are helpful but,
the problem is they couldn't capture table fields that users see (not
update/delete/add that trigger stored procedures).
I need to see which fields accessed by stored procedures/users/web
pages and then log this activity.
One possibility I am thinking is to change one of system stored
procedures or add some trigger there and log activity from that point.
I appreciate any reply or help to this question
DON'T change system stored procedures. In your case you will have to use
third party tools as you mentioend or writing triggers on ALL user tables
that my hurt performance considerable
<> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> I want to log all activities happening in SQL server. I already know
> some auditing tools do it like:
> 1- DB Audit
> 2- ApexSQL
> Also I activated SQL server audit log and all of them are helpful but,
> the problem is they couldn't capture table fields that users see (not
> update/delete/add that trigger stored procedures).
> I need to see which fields accessed by stored procedures/users/web
> pages and then log this activity.
> One possibility I am thinking is to change one of system stored
> procedures or add some trigger there and log activity from that point.
> I appreciate any reply or help to this question
> Thanks,
> Jack

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